Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Butterfly Freebies...

One thing I have noticed the past few weeks - as the flowers come into their own the butterfly population increases.  One of my sons has butterfly bushes along the front and side of his house.  They are full of butterflies from the early morning to the early evening. They drive the dog bonkers.
Here are a few butterfly prints I have found along the way.  I hope you will enjoy them and find a little place for them in your art.


  1. thank you for these they are gorgeous!!!

  2. My Pleasure. I was lucky to find them.

  3. These are really lovely and I'm looking forward to using them. Thank you!

  4. Stunning butterfly freebies, dear Elizabeth!
    Looks fantastic.
    Thank you very much!

  5. these are gorgeous!!! so many ways to use them..my favorite is to use them for magical fairy wings!! thank you so much!! xo

  6. These prints are wonderful! I'm just starting on beading a butterfly to go along with my 'birds' for the BJP2011 project! The one I'm working on now is a butterfly from Hawaii which looks much like one in your print! These are lovely!

  7. Thank you - these are great, I love butterflies! Don't seem to have seen too many this year (maybe to do with being right in the centre of the city instead of my mum's back garden...!) but a tiny moth did land on my finger the other day - must have been keeping still for a change!

  8. Beautiful butterfly prints
    thanks so mch
    xx Lilli
    Lillian Mederak.


  9. Beautiful butterflies, thank you. I will use them in mu ROTD Journal.

  10. Good morning! I'm always so happy to see these lovely butterflies. Thank you so much. I will use all of them. Thank you for your generosity.

  11. Thank you kindly for these - they are lovely. One can never have too many butterflies. sandra

  12. What wonderful freebies...thanks so VERY much!!

  13. Thanks for these lovely butterfly prints, Elizabeth! These will be used and even though I read your blog as often as you post I don't leave many messages...thank you so much! Diann

  14. how do you print these free butterflies? They are beautiful.

  15. I deal in antiques and have to ask - do you own this book? If not, where did you get the engravings? Do you know the year they were engraved? Who was the author, who was the engraver? Your "freebies" don't link to any information and, if I were to guess, whoever *does* own the engravings cannot be to happy about seeing you handing them out for free.

    The book was part of Sir William Jardine's 1837 Naturalist's Library and was printed in 1837. The book lists for a few hundred dollars.

    Basically, you're handing out someone else's goods for free.

  16. Karen I own this book and the prints. It is copyright free. I am not handing out anything. I own hundreds of engravings, prints, and books. I also have a vast collection of photographs. If I choose to share them I will.
    I have been a collector since I was a child. I often bought things for less than a dollar. One man's junk is another man's treasure.
    I do prefer to keep the books intact as they have more value in my opinion.
    Please do not make assumptions about something until you have all the facts. I am very careful about what I give out as my "freebies".
    The other thing. When you ask questions like this it is a good idea to leave an email so that a response can be given.
    Hope this clears this up for you.
    I also hope you enjoyed these "freebies".

  17. Just a reminder to those who may not know- there is a time limitation on copy-writable work, after the expiration of which, these works become freely accessible in the public domain.

  18. Thank you Elizabeth for sharing these beautiful butterfly prints, your kind generosity enables us all to see these beautiful images.


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.