Friday, August 19, 2011

Digital Collage - Possibilities...

This is one of the buildings I have honestly thought about buying. I love the color of it. It needs a world of renovation.  Yet she seems to be holding her own. I sort of feel that way sometimes.  It would be a cool place to live, or a wonderful place for a buisness or maybe both. Any way, I thought I would share the possibilities of this old building with you.


  1. That would be a awesome building to buy. It is full of possibilities. I love it!!!!!

  2. this does have endless possibilities.with your eye,you could turn this into a fabulous home/business!!

  3. An abundance of character, mystery, and stories to imagine.

  4. i can see why you want to buy it! Gosh, you could do so much with it. What are you liking it for?

  5. You're right, it looks like a really interesting place. There's a small ex-restaraunt near us, been closed well over a year and I'd guess longer, comlñtely rundown and gutted but with fab windows and signs and just a general look about it that I feel the same way about...I suppose someties you just get a feeling from places!

  6. What a wonderful building. I always enjoy your posts. Seeing the small towns threw your eyes is very inspiring.

  7. What a gorgeous old lady this is, still standing strong and weathered to a glorious patina. I can certainly see why you're drawn to it.

  8. It's fabulous but all those stairs?
    I must be getting old.LOL!

  9. It is absolutely FABULOUS!!!! I definitely would use it to live in and as a business. xoxo, Toni

  10. As I looked at your image of this wonderful old building....I wondered how it held up against Irene. All the brickwork is so beautiful...and those wonderful arches (I'm sure there's a name)over the windows and doors are so delightful.


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