Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday's Textures #17...Late...

How is everyone? I took a two week break from my blog to celebrate some family birthdays and just take care of somethings. I missed everyone and hope you have all been enjoying these last days of summer. Here are a few textures from a really cool door I spied over the weekend. Hope you can find a place for some of these textures in your art work.


  1. ooo thanks for more super coooool textures. They look great!

  2. love these textures! the last one is my favorite!!
    thanks so much!!!
    hope you have had a lovely weekend with cooler temperatures!
    xo :)

  3. Color is absolutely amazing to me. The textures look awesome, and then when enlarged it's like you didn't really see it the first time because there even better close up. The purple one was my fav...glad you back...


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