Thursday, August 18, 2011

Unexpected Treasure

Yesterday I went out to look at houses, some drive by's, and to take photographs.  It was hot compared to earlier in the week.  On Main Street in the town that boasts being the home of Cherry Wine Cola I spotted an old hardware store.  I decided to check it out and see if I could not find a Cherry Wine Cola to cool off with.
I did, and I found that the hardware store had a little bit of this and that, from screws to antique quilts, sandwiches and colas, and two very nice salespeople.  I found these treasures, a really good pimento sandwich and my Cherry Wine Cola. I felt like I had walked back in time 50 years or so.  It was like once you entered, time had stood still. Fans kept you cool, all the displays were old, it was such a treat.

Very old twine.  Some is the original twine sold to wrap packages. It sold for 10 cents.  I bought it for 10 cents. Amazing!

Beautiful lace. I bought enough to dye and enough to just have. I love lace, so delicateThis too was the original price.

Bins and bins of string.  All different sizes.  I had to have at least one of every size.  I think they make a statement sitting all together. So simple, yet...

I love old cutlery. I bought these for a dollar.  I think I will smash the spoon bowls and then make plant markers out of them.  A winter project.


  1. What treats...!!!its so nice to find a place like this...Thanks for sharing these lovelies..!

  2. I haven't thought of Cheerwine in years. That used to be my beverage of choice! You sure picked up some wonderful treasures, too. TFS

  3. my you know how much altered art supply stores charge for that twine?!! you scored big time!!
    what a delightit must have been to go into that hardware store! We used to have a hardware run/owned..i loved going there..sadly,it closed a number of years ago..i guess they just couldn't compete with the chain store that came in at the other end of town. we always went to the hardware store first..i'd have rather paid a bit more to get the "small town" friendly service they gave!!

  4. I've never heard of Cherry Wine Cola. Does it have wine in it or is that the brand name?

  5. No wine in the Cherry Wine Cola. It tastes alot like Cherry Pepsi. More cherry than cola. It is a true Southern drink. Althogh Coke was invented in Georgia and Pepsi in North Carolina.

  6. Great finds Elizabeth!! I know there is an old hardware store in Saluda, NC where you get that same feeling of stepping back in time about 50 years!! What fun you must have had shopping there. Have a great weekend.


  7. What a great eye you have, Elizabeth! Thanks for sharing:)


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