Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Digital Collage - Postcard for You

Here is a Postcard for you to alter and send to someone you care about. It is the base of the digital collage in the post after this.  Enjoy!


  1. I went back to take a peek at what I have missed, WOW, I missed a lot. I love what you do with old building and such, I am always amazed. I hopw you are having a great Tuesday, Hugs Mary

  2. Thank you so much for this great post card, Elizabeth. It is so versatile, as seen in your wonderful collaged creation, and I am anxious to play with it. You are so kind!

  3. I like this postcard so much! Thank you, I'll definitely use this! Also love the brick building you've made available.
    Your generosity is appreciated, and I also appreciate that you have not changed your "comment" section. I think people, including me, have trouble with the options being "Google Account" and "Open ID". (I don't have my own blog.)

  4. Awesome postcard! Thank you so much!!!


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