Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some freebies for you...Boys will be boys

Every boy thinks he is a cowboy at sometime.

Love this little waif standing by Daddy's new car.

This is my favorite. The hat, the sweet boy, and the goat!

What a beautiful child. The bike is very well made.

Obviously someone loved this little one.  He reminds me of one of the newsie boys.

It has been a long weekend of fun, friends, food, and retail therapy.  Went to visit friends at the beach over the weekend.  I had a wonderful visit.  It is so nice to stay at a real home. I know that sounds strange, but after being on the road for so long you can tell the difference.  The energy is so nourishing.
I am back looking for houses in earnest. I want to have a home for the holidays. Meanwhile life is still happening.  Yesterday was my father's 91st birthday.  Incredible isn't it?  He is in wonderful shape for starting his ninties. He is my rock, always there with a little wisdom and humor.
In honor of my father who has helped me understand my own five boys, I thought I would do boy freebies for you.  Each one is cuter than the next. So, Happy Birthday Daddy! I hope there are many more to come.


  1. Thanks so much for the boys!! They are great! Good luck house hunting. Hope you find just the perfect place!

  2. Thanks so much for the wonderful pics Elizabeth! I'm sure you must be more than ready to settle down into a place of your own. I know you will find just the perfect place soon! Have a great weekend.


  3. a Happy Belated Natal Anniversary to your Father!
    love the photos..thanks so much!!sounds like you had a marvelous time!!

  4. Those images are fabulous, thank you so much for sharing them!

    Happy House Hunting to you--that can be exhausting, but fun, too, right?

    And Happy Daddy's Birthday to you. You are obviously blessed to have him.


  5. Elizabeth, these pictures are wonderful! My beloved father had HIS picture taken by a horse and the pose and pony look very similar! Thank you! Hugs, Terri xoxo


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