Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Twinkle Toes - the madness has started

Yesterday I spent a good hour hunting down these exact pink Twinkle Toe Sketcher shoes for Miss Mischief.  Not the rainbow ones, or the purple ones, nor the denim with hearts would do. These pink ones.  Finally I found a store near us who carried them AND had her size.
Off we raced to get them.  Of course as soon as we got there , Miss Mischief needed a restroom.  Finally after 20 minutes it was back to the store. It is amazing that for only being four years old she sure can shop. Definitely knows her way around the shoe store. She bee lined to the shelf, discarded this and that till Yes in a loud ear splitting scream, followed by giggles the pink Twinkle Toes were found. They flew on her feet. A quick dash around the store to make sure they fit and all of the lights worked on the shoes. Ahh peace.  Of course we had to get the six matching pairs of socks. And... it was a buy one get 50% off another shoe so I got some boots.  [You can never have to many boots.] As we got into the car Miss Mischief looked at me and said "You know they have good sales almost every month here?"  Naptime.


  1. oh...the blessed joy of grandchildren....

  2. you can tell that girl is a shopper!!

  3. OMG! You've NO idea how much this post tickled my fancy and touched my Grammy Heart with glee!!! I can just picture the joy and delight those magic shoes created!!! Way to Go, Grammy!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

    PS Do they make light-up Sketchers for grown-ups?!?!?

  4. You've started her off just right -- a girl needs the right shoes, after all.

  5. fab shoes!!
    my granddaughter would just die for these!!
    best save my precious baby girl..6 yo!!..needs these!!!


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