Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Saturday in the Mountains - The Flea Markets...

The road to the flea market. Isn't this just lovely? You turn off the main road to a small country road, then down this dirt road. The trees all have faded signs on them that read books, quilts, chairs, and on and on. It is a small flea market but the people are wonderful.

Retro casseroles and bowls. I find these at Goodwill for a third of the price.
I love these old metal cookie cutters. They are so graphic. My grandmother had several and they bring back memories of making cookies and sipping lemonade.  These were very expensive, almost $20.00 a piece.
Some beautiful bottles. I love bottles. They just fascinate me. Big ones little ones. Soon everything will be plastic and we will not have anymore bottles.

This is a North Carolina face jug.  These were originally made at the end of the day with scraps of clay left over from the days work.  Each potter made their own jug to keep their refreshments in. Now several potters do nothing but face jugs. Each one is unique and different. I have several and think they are really fun.

Saturday I spent the day having meals with my children and taking photographs of the sights.  It was one of those clear and crisp days that told you winter is on the way enjoy this while you can.  I took it to heart and decided to shoot and shop. I went to one of the local flea markets, some antique stores and hit the mountain roads. It was a beautiful day ending with a moutain dinner with people I love. Perfect day.

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