Friday, November 18, 2011

Biggest, Creative Turkey...Ever

Driving through the mountains heading for Boone, North Carolina I spotted this large turkey at a garden center. I decided to stop and take a few pictures and pick up some apples. I was so impressed with the originality of using a large rolled hay bale to make this turkey. I often wonder what inspires someone to make the things they do. What do they see? Any way this delighted me in its simplicity and its size.


  1. That is one big, big turkey. What a great idea!!!!

  2. Am catching up with the last spurt of latest posts. I could SO use some creamy hot soup right now. Mold spores have ruined me. I feel so bad right now. It'll pass but would pass better with some soup. lol Love your little knitted friend, and the turkey, too. xoxo

  3. love this!!!
    now,what can i use for a small bale of hay?!!

  4. LOVE him! I have visions of you literally running to get this capture!!! :) Terri xoxoxo


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