Sunday, November 6, 2011

Digital Photograph - Blue Door 127

It has been a while since I posted a door.  I have a great fondness for blue doors.   Enjoy!


  1. i wonder what went on, or goes on, beyond that door!
    another wonderful photo!!

  2. Elizabeth, you KNOW how much I adore portals! This one is fabulous! So sorry to hear about your friend's accident. I do hope she's doing well and am sending prayers her way.

    We were snowstorm statistics - lost our power for five days. Felt so lost - no Halloween or children trick or treating. Mother Nature tricked US this year!!! I did put a few pics of the snowstorm (when it first started) on my blog.

    Hope you're well. Love all of your latest pics! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. i love this rustic looking door!

  4. My daughter got married a year ago and 2 of my favorite pictures was her sitting (in her wedding dress) in front of a door in an alley in our small town. One of the doors was red and the other was blue

  5. Linda that sounds like a wonderful picture. I am sure the contrast of your daughter all elegant in her dress and the two doors were something. I like the image of a red and a blue door and the wedding dress as some cosmic question on her future. Great symbolism there.

  6. Love this photo. Hope you are doing well.

  7. Love your doors! This one definitely doesn't disappoint. Awesome!

  8. Gotta love the door - it's fabulous and I love, love, love what you did with it! Thanks for sharing!


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