Saturday, November 5, 2011

Digital Photograph - Cotton A Closer Look

Thought you might like a closer look. The cotton looks like cotton balls you buy in the drugstore.  Actually, there are seeds in there that need to come out and a few more processes before it is ready for market. The cotton is seeded, cleaned, and woven into thread. Then we get those wonderful sheets and cotton clothes to wear. In some areas of the South they are growing organic cotton in colors - pink, green and brown.  I have not run across any of those fields yet.  If I do I will have my camera handy!


  1. What do they do to it to grow it in colors?

  2. beautiful photo!!!
    i did not know cotton was grown in colors! like Janet,I'd love to know how it's done.

  3. I saw my first field of cotton several years ago on a trip to Natchez. It made me think of the antebellum days, pre-Civil War. Thanks for sharing this lovely photo!


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