Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to All...

Happy Thanksgiving to All.  Here in the states we celebrate the fourth Thursday of Novemeber.  It is a day of taking a look at all of the wonderful things, people, events that have happened in your life and being grateful for them.
This year I have so much to be grateful for.  My beautiful children. A few nights ago one of my boys was in a car accident - a deer ran out in front of him, he hit the brakes, it was raining and slippery, he ended up wrapped around a tree, his car totalled, he had minor injuries [thank goodness for searbelts] . I am so thankful that he is going to be all right.
I am grateful for my family.  I know you can not always pick your family - this family I would pick.  I am so lucky to have both parents  to celebrate with. My father is 91 and for 91 he is doing quite well. I would tell you how old my mother is , but she would be horrified. Let's just say that she runs circles around me. I am thankful my brother and sister are well and my beautiful nephews are a treat to be around. I am so lucky to have them all in my life. They are my life cheerleaders.
My girlfriends that are always there for me. Who listen to my troubles, share their troubles, always have encouragement and support. Who have opened their homes and lives to me. Thank you I could have not made it this past year without you. Thank you for being you.
After being homeless for over a year I have finally found an area I love and a house that suits me to a T.  I have a contract and close in December. I have finally made a committment. Aghhhh. A little scary but very exciting. I am sure the next few months my blog will be full of pictures. I will have a studio and workshop!
As I think of all of the things I am thankful for I have to say how grateful I am to have all of my blog friends.  You have all snuck into my heart with your art and grace. Thank you for you support, your comments, and letting me be a small part of your day.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Lovely post Elizabeth. I'm so glad your son is okay and that you have found a place to call home!! Happy Thanksgiving to you!!

  2. what a nice post. have a wonderful holiday.

  3. I am in Canada and our Thanksgiving was last month but I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the "Sunday Drives". I do not drive and rarely get to go anywhere beyond the few miles into town so reading your blog is my version of a Sunday drive. I love reading about your trips and seeing the photos you take of things that catch your eye. I, too, love old buildings, antiques, and the simpler things in life. So a Big Thank You from up here in Canada. I'm also glad your son was not seriously injured and I look forward to "seeing" your new home. Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  4. A Happy Thanksgiving to you!!!
    We can all be thankful that your son wasn't seriously hurt and that you have found the perfect place to call home!!
    I am thankful for knowing you..for the wonderful posts you many things I have enjoyed through your eyes!!
    Thank you Elizabeth!!!

  5. What beautiful and poignant have such a lovely, lovely soul. So happy that you have found the home you have hunted. I am anxious to hear more about it and see some of your great photos. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
    I'm so glad that your son is going to be ok. I hate driving at night because of the deer!
    Looking forward to seeing photos of your new home.

  7. Beautiful post, and I'm hoping your son gets to feeling 100% soon. Thank God he was hurt seriously. I'm so excited you have a place. I can't wait to see the pictures. Hope your day was a good one!


  8. So glad to hear that your son was not hurt badly in the car accident. I know that must have been a relief for you. Also, very happy and excited to hear that you are finally settling down and will be able to nest. I hope your new home brings you many happy days and memories!


  9. I'm so glad you will no longer be homeless, what a great feeling that must be! And that your son is OK, what a scare! I wish you all the best , and look forward to some studio pics!

  10. Wond3rful post and I do hope your son will be happy that you found a place you want to live and I hope its everything you hoped for....I am a lurker and rarely comment, but i follower and read every post
    God Bless

  11. First I am thankful your son did not get seriously injured. I had an encounter with a 1500 lb elk in our driveway, I just missed him. It is terrifying when they run in front of you in the dark.
    Now I am so happy that you have found a home to settle in. I can't wait to hear where and see photos, lots of photos. I am so very happy for you.
    I loved this post. Both my parents are gone and I really miss them every day but especially at the holidays. They always made it so much more special.

  12. Glad you had such a good T-Day, Elizabeth. So did I. And such wonderful news to hear on this special weekend! I am doing a happy dance for you. And I'll be holding you to all those blog posts and photos in the coming weeks, months to let us see your new treasure, winkwink. So happy for you!!! <3 <3

  13. OMG, Elizabeth! I'm so happy to hear that your son was OK - that's a blessing, indeed! A few years ago (right around this time), my son ran off of the road to avoid a deer, totaled his car and cracked his sternum. We, too, were very grateful for seatbelts!

    And, Yes, Yes, YES!!! A new home!!! It'll be a wonderful way to end a year and begin a new one!!! So much to be thankful for!!! ♥ Hugs, Terri xoxo

  14. God bless, Elizabeth. Your blog is a bright spot for many of us. GOOD NEWS that you've found just the right house. I can't wait to hear all about it!

  15. Thanks for finally talking about > "Happy Thanksgiving to All..." < Liked it!

    Overnight Reputation


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