Saturday, November 5, 2011

Still Fall in Alabama...

First I would like to Thank everyone who has sent my friend prayers and goood thoughts. We both really appreciate it. Fall is in full force here in Northern Alabama.  The crisp cool air and the beautiful fall colors have helped quite a bit. Who can't feel good when all around them is such beauty? This is my last weekend here for awhile.  The sound of the ocean and smell of salt air are doing their siren call.  Time to buy a house.
Meanwhile I am caught up in the Louisana - Alabama rivalry.  The big game  - here on the radio and TV they call it the game of the century. Oh my! I hope they are not too disappointed. So, red flags are a waving here, and everyone is in red, the Crimson tide is everywhere. It is hard not to get caught up in the moment. I think it is a good weekend to be in Alabama. 


  1. the gorgeous colors of fall!! here in Southern California we don't see what you see. My Mother so loved the colors of fall..she lived in Georgia until after WWII..then went to California with my father after he got out of the navy. the south never left her heart!they took several "fall leaves" tours..her favorite being the New England tour!!

  2. Beautiful! I need to get out and take some pictures of the trees here before the leaves all fall on me.

  3. I love the blue door, but most of all the cotten. If you don't mind, I might use on of the cotton pictures for a story. Let me know.
    Fall is so beautiful, we are now in reds, golden, and is lovely. Happy Fall, mary


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