Saturday, January 28, 2012

Digital Photograph edited on my iphone...The Homestead

The Homestead

It has been a long month. I think my family has been through an emotional ringer. The most positive thing was that we were all reunited in one place. I have enjoyed spending time with my cousin Barbara, my sister and my Mother. The four of us together was a really nice thing. My Father would have enjoyed watching us girls chatting and cooking, giving each other strength.

I left Washington D.C. for home on Thursday.  I had to stop in Charlotte North Carolina to pick up one of my sons.  He is going to help me with all of the boxes and help me move my furniture around in my new house.  I have only been there twice since I bought it in early December.  Then it was only to retrieve some clothes for Daddy's funeral. I figure it is time to get my life unpacked, sorted and set back up. It has been a long journey to get to this place.
I really want to say "Thank You" for all of your support. It was much needed an appreciated.

The digital photograph above is of a beautiful little farmhouse in Virginia I considered buying. I took the picture with my iphone camera then edited it in Filter Mania then again in 100 Cameras. I am so thankful to have these Apps. When I am waiting in line, etc. I like to play with these. I feel like I am doing something creative rather than just waiting...


  1. Welcome back home Elizabeth.. so nice to read that you've had a restorative visit with your family.. Nice to be back at a place to call home though, isn't it? Smiles and hugs!!

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