Sunday, January 8, 2012

Four Letter Words

Just a quick note. Last week someone asked me for the link to the word generator for my four letter words.  I do not have a link. I am the four letter word generator. I take the pictures or trade with various other photographers the letters. We get them from signs we see. Then I come home and put the signs in Photoshop and crop them to a usable format. After that I put the frame in Photoshop and make my words from the cropped letters. The last thing is to post them on my blog.
I am sure a word generator would be easier, but probably not as fun...


  1. AMEN sister...stick with the fun! love these WORDS by the way, thank you much for sharing! :)

  2. your WORDS always get me thinking!!!!

  3. "..a link to the word generator you use." Dear Elizabeth, you ARE the supreme word generator, beyond compare. This simply is no contest, like comparing apples to oranges.

  4. What a simple but awesome idea!!! Can't wait to take those letter pics now.
    Thank you so much ;)


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