Monday, February 27, 2012

Digital Photograph...the green building

When I first turned the corner and found this building I hit the brakes. Put my
car in reverse and backed up to get a
better look. I grabbed my camera and began to click off a few shots.  When I look
through my camera I sometimes see things
I might miss with just the sweep of my eyes.  I almost always envision what the buildings were used for, when
they were built, who might have
used them, how they were made. 
Little stories pop up
in my head.

I think this building was someones workshop. Their private space. 
Put together with found materials.
A door from here, a window from
somewhere else, an extra roll or two
of tar paper.  Electricity added.
The double doors on the side to get materials in and out,
and on nice days the doors were
probably opened to cool it off. 
This building has stories to tell.


  1. the stories in that building!!!
    gorgeous photo!!!!

  2. Great photo, beautiful processing and simply wonderful words!

  3. Hi Elizabeth, you won my "How's My Hair?" accordion fold book. I don't have your email address so I need you to contact me with your address so I can get it out in the mail to you. Congrats! Laura Carson

  4. I do think you are right! This is a awesome photo!


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