Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Already...Really

I can not believe it is February already. I feel like January was a dream.  I love February. The month of love. Everything is red and lacy, full of chocolate and flowers. Hoping I get everything unpacked and in its place would be nice. Dreaming of taking a little trip to visit friends and family when I am finished with all these boxes. February means just a few more months to Spring... 


  1. what a hopeful happy note Elizabeth.. Beautiful image, thanks for sharing that..good luck with the boxes.. remember to take breaks from unpacking!! *smile*

  2. unpacking!!...making your house a home!! finding just that special place to put those special things!
    i've been in my house over 20 years..and i do believe i have one box in my garage that was never unpacked! hah! whatever is in it i certainly don't need..but somehow i can't justify throwing it out!..silly me! haven't opened it either!


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