Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Living in the Mountains...

It has been almost two weeks since I left D.C. for my home in the mountains. I can hardly believe it. Yesterday as I ran a bunch of errands I thought to myself how lucky I am to live here. Every place has a view. Every day the mountains look different. Coming out of Barnes and Nobles yesterday I stopped and was overwhelmed by the contrast of the mountains and the retail stores.  This man stopped and asked if I was new here. I said yes, he laughed and told me he had been here almost thirty years and was blown away by the views on a daily basis. It never got old for him.  Now I ask you, how nice is that? I have found the people who live here want to be here.  It certainly makes them a lot happier. I hope you are having a "happy day".


  1. Sounds like a wonderful place to live, I hope you are happy there. I no I love looking out and seeing the changes and looking at things from different views. Have a Great Day.

  2. Yes, it's very nice. I hope that you will be ever so happy there, Elizabeth!

  3. i envy you,my friend!!
    at least,through your posts,i can share the beauty!!

  4. How wonderful is this Elizabeth! A fabulous view, nice neighbors, AND a Barnes and Noble! (ours was one of the ones that closed down. sigh. Beautiful scenery out your way!!

  5. That is so sweet!
    I love that interaction.

    When the sun sets in December, I am amazed at how beautiful it is. I often wonder if others notice it. I feel silly looking at in awe, and then I think I am so lucky to notice the beauty. I live near Philadelphia, so it is not that gorgeous, but I am planning on getting a second home in West Virginia some day! to be near the mountains.

  6. Lovely view, and I know how the man feels. I've been living in Southern Utah for 16 years and I have never gotten used to the wonderful views here!


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