Monday, February 27, 2012

The Problem with Remodeling...

The problem with remodeling, particularly the kitchen, is how to eat. We hit day five today and I woke up hungry.  I never wake up hungry.  It usually takes several hours for me to even remotely want to think about food.  Today was different.

Tomorrow, Monday, they start to grout all the tile. Then they seal the grout. I am so excited. I can not wait till everything is done. There is still the issue of putting all the doors back in, making sure they open and close properly, the stairs need to be finished and the bottom landing tiled. Then of course the paint needs to be touched up in a few places, and then the rugs can go down and the furniture finally put in place. The back deck needs to be scrubbed off where they cut the tile and mixed the mortar. Ooh it is a journey.

I have to remind myself that the counter tops have to be removed and replaced the following week. So maybe do not put the rugs down yet. Also, the cook top is to be replaced.  That means only oven cooking and no water for maybe two days in the kitchen. Ugh! I will think about that next week.

Meanwhile,I still have to eat this week.  Here are a few of the out to eat meals I
have had to suffer through last week and
this weekend.  I have been trying out the restaurants that are small and local. 
The food has been delicious!

Grilled Grouper Sandwich
A Gyros Sandwich

Fresh Grilled Trout
Sometimes I just feel like a big lunch and try to do peanut butter and jelly or cereal for dinner. I must say the fresh trout was delicious.  I am anxious to try it again.  I am thinking of investing in a good fishing rod and trying to catch my own.  Maybe this summer when the house is unpacked and I need a lazy day.


  1. now I AM HUNGRY!!!!!
    looks like you have some very good local places to eat!!..don't see a Mc D's or Taco Bell wrapper in the bunch !!

  2. My precious husband got me 5 antique creels and a fly rod for my birthday a couple of years ago. Fly fishing was not at all hard to learn, and I love the "poetry and motion" of it. That is what you should try, living right there in the heart of the best trout fishing in the country. I promise you will love it! You are such a good and inspired cook, you'll be making the best rainbow trout ever in that gorgeous new kitchen of yours. Cheers!


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