Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tearing up the house...

We have finally started.  They begin to tear up the carpet and find hardwood floors where I was told there were none. Surprise. I am afraid there are more to come. Hopefully they will be good surprises. In the background is Rick the tile guy. He is standing in part of my kitchen.

Here is the stairway off the family room/kitchen that leads downstairs to my Studio, the workroom and workshop, bathroom, large closet/storage room and garage. I am having them tile the bottom of the stair and pull off all this carpet. We kept out fingers crossed and Yes! there are beautiful hardwoods under the carpet. I can not wait to get rid of all of this carpet. It is so disgusting. Dirty, old, and attracts all sorts of grime. I have vowed not to have any carpet in my new house. Today it all goes!

Here is where the old kitchen met the family room. Sometime in the early 80's they tore that kitchen out, added a laundry area and built a new kitchen. Rather than deal with the floor they carpeted over everything and added some linoleum to the new kitchen. It is a hodgepodge of materials. It is time to create one space with one type of flooring.

Here is the fireplace in what was the family room soon to be part of my kitchen. I am going to put my table there in front of the fireplace. I want to have wonderful meals with friends and family in front of the fire.

The new sub flooring is in. This morning they started on the tile.  It should tie these two room into just one large space. When they finish with the tile floor the new counter tops, sink, cook top, lights, and bar stool area should be ready to be installed. I love the huge floor to ceiling window in my kitchen. My plants will go there on a lovely table.I have several bird feeders in storage that will look lovely out that window.

Thought I would share what I have been preparing for the past few weeks. I have been looking at flooring,lights, counter tops, cook tops, window blinds, upholstery material, the list goes on and on. Until the kitchen flooring is installed I have been at a wall. I cannot set up any of my rooms till I get all the extra furniture, boxes, etc. out of the way. My kitchen table is in my living room, etc... The furniture is being reupholstered while the floor is being laid. Soon, I can really set up house and get everything out of storage. It is a long journey. The great news is the weather has been fantastic. So warm. It feels like spring. I have bulbs coming up. I have no idea what they are going to be, but they are mine and I am happy. What is everyone else up to? 


  1. So fun to see things in the early stages! I know it can be very disruptive to have things happening while you're living in a house, but fun and exciting too!!

  2. up to?..caring for 3 grandkids who are in various stages of colds..starting to get better..cranky and just plain miserable!! snot and coughing everywhere!!
    my mom had beautiful hardwood floors underneath her carpeting..once they were refinish..ahh!! parquet flooring!!
    love your floor to ceiling window!
    and the french much light!!
    so many things you are fun!!..but a lot of work too! how long do you expect everything to take before you can start putting the "twigs" in your nest!!!..a table in front of the fireplace..oh,love that!!!

  3. How wonderful to find all those wonderful wood floors and the large window in the kitchen-lovely. How exciting to be getting it all fixed just as you want it!

  4. What I'm "up to" pales by comparison, although a week's visit from my daughter, grandson and niece was about as much as I could take! It appears you've found a jewel-in-the-rough, Elizabeth, with hardwood floors, a fireplace, a lovely source of light and outdoor view.......wonderful things all!

  5. What fun! I LOVE this house, and when you are finished it will be a showplace. You've got to be having the best time, planning and playing with all of those wonderful elements. I can think of no greater surprise than to pull up old carpet, only to find beautiful hardwoods...and even on the steps, no less! SCORE

  6. I can't wait to see the "after" pics...almost as excited as YOU are, lol. xoxo

  7. It looks like beauty can be found in unexpected places both inside and out in your new home Elizabeth! Can't wait to see your studio all set up! Enjoy the transformation.



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