Friday, April 13, 2012

Botanical Freebies

This week I thought I would share these beautiful watercolor botanicals with you. I fell in love with the simplicity of them. I think they would be beautiful framed in my bedroom. Unfortunately I have neglected my blog this week.  I have been so sick. The fever, lightheaded, runny nose, aches and pains, sore throat you name it. I think it is the first time in about twenty years I have been sick. It has been quite a shock. At first I thought it was allergies with everything blooming at once. Then I thought maybe allergies and weather change. Our temperatures have dropped about twenty degrees this week.  Very cool during the day and cold at night. Then I just gave in and decided I needed a day or two in bed, good food, a good book, and a box of kleenex. I actually feel better today. Yeah! Much more to unpack, silver to polish, a home to make...


  1. I'm so sorry you have been sick. I've been sick too! I had a fever, body aches, and just felt like a truck ran over me. It's been five days and my temp is still not quite back to normal, despite 48 hours on antibiotic. I do think the allergies weaken our immune systems and make us susceptible to viruses.

    Love these photos. I'd like to sketch a few.

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better - take care of yourself!

  3. Glad you're feeling better Elizabeth. Take it easy.


  4. Take care, Elizabeth.
    Thanks for the freebies!

  5. Here's to your continued recovery, Elizabeth, and thanks for the gorgeous botanicals. xoxo


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