Sunday, April 22, 2012

Digital Photograph - The River

The River

This week we had some incredible storms. It was my first taste of bad weather here in the mountains. I saw my first rock and dirt slide. Quite a fearful thing to witness. Needless to say the storms blow through fast and it can be bad on one side of the mountain and fine on the other. I have finally started to feel better after two weeks of grunge. Healing is good. Thought I would share the river with you today. It is running high and fast.


  1. Good to see you're feeling better Elizabeth.. bit by bit, day by day, huh?

    Your photo is a powerful one...beautiful setting, you can see how fast the water is rushing!

  2. What a wonderfully moody photograph!

    Glad to hear you are better.

  3. I love this image...what river is this?

  4. I love this photo...what river is this?


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