Monday, April 23, 2012

Freebies - Actresses

Love the gypsy look here!

A very demure princess

The scarf on the forehead actually looks good here.

This looks like a nightmare to walk around in. Look out chandeliers. I am coming.

Love the gauzy look although she seems sad to me.

She looks like she has spirit.

Thought I would start off the week with some freebies. I have spent my sick time in bed catching up on TV shows and movies. I am amazed is all I am going to say on that. Here are a few lovely femme fatales for you. I decided to concentrate on actresses with head gear. Not sure why but they appealed to me. Hope this week is productive for everyone.
It is very cold here - although not as bad as north of us. Ten inches of snow does not sound like fun. I did have to turn the furnace back on and get out a long sleeve shirt today. I am still surrounded by boxes. It is slow going, but it is going. I spent a day this weekend polishing silver. More to do tonight...Enjoy the freebies!


  1. I've been so enjoying the gypsy look lately -- thank you very much for these!!

  2. I tried the egg strata featured on a recent blog. It was delicious! Thanks for the eye candy with all the beautiful photos from Western North Carolina. The area holds a special place in my heart!


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