Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Local Tom...

Mr. Tom Turkey all puffed up and walking around the neighborhood. He was just shimmering and shaking. Strutting along. No gobbling. Yesterday as we were unloading the truck, a whole flock of these turkeys came out of my neighbors yard and crossed the street a few houses down from mine.  I have seen them in another neighborhood about a mile or so from my house. Here in my neighborhood, this is a first. It must be mating season because several of the Tom's were all puffed up like this one chasing some turkey girl around.

This guy decided to show me his glorious backside. Look at his sharp pointy spurs on his legs. My those could hurt. I had n0 idea turkeys were so pretty. I am hoping I will find some of their feathers for my feather collection. They are really outstanding.


  1. wow they are gorgeous! are they wild? or does someone own them but let them wander?

  2. Good heavens! I've seen turkeys, but these guys are magnificent. Thanks so much for sharing with us. The lady turkeys must be all aflutter!!

  3. I have a ton of Turkey Feathers. Would you like me to send you some?


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