Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Digital Photograph - Virginia Barn - For Ann in CA

Virginia Barn

On the way home from my Mother's house this past weekend I took an hour or so to get off the Interstate and take some pictures.  I long to get unpacked so I can get out and roam some more. The past year or so has taught me that I am a wanderer.
Virginia has some beautiful farms and farmland once you get away from the city. There is so much rich history there. I ran across this beauty near Lexington Virginia. I stopped to get a little gas and the sound of the cicada's was
absolutely deafening. The sound went on for miles. I decided it was a sign that I needed a break, rolled down the windows and got out my camera and smile. Here is one of the barns I found.I am wondering how that hole got in the barn. It is in such an odd place. Any thoughts? 
p.s. this barn is for Ann in CA. Hope you enjoy this one
dear friend.


  1. Looks like it won't last another decade...but you have captured it forever. I love your advenutes. I find as I research my family, it seems a lot of them settled in Virginia when there was nothing there. I love all the stories...
    Have a great week, Mary

  2. Hole in barn - Air conditioning? Just a guess. And of course my imagination took off, and wondered if this barn was around during the Civil War...maybe they were shootin' out of that hole...defending the barn, lol. Okay, I'll quit now. <3 <3 xoxo

  3. oh, darling you!!! This barn is rich in it's color,wood,texture..the stories it could tell!!!I love this barn..THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!XO

  4. I love barns..old, not so old.. and you take great pictures of them. The East does have a lot more "stylish" old barns to capture on film. I grew up on a farm in the mid-west and we had two wonderful barns there. Lots of hours spent up in the hay mow, playing, jumping, hiding etc. Great memories.


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