Sunday, May 20, 2012

Vegetable & Fruit Collage #4

Collage Sheet #4

Here is the last of the collage sheets I have made for you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed making them. We made it to D.C. late last night. It was a nice trip. We made several stops to eat and stretch out legs. My two young cousins - Kirsten and Connor- are turning into just nice people. They have a real love and respect for each other and their manners make me swoon. Yes Ma'am, Thank you are wonderful to hear. Their mom - Kelley - has done just a great job raising them. What a treat to spend time with them. I can not wait to see the wonder and magic of our nation's capital through their eyes. Hope every one is having a great weekend!


  1. THanks for all these veggie collage sheets....I love em!!! Have a nice Sunday!

  2. Thank you for sharing these wonderful graphics. You have such beautiful pictures. I am trying to learn Photoshop. I love working with all types of photos, and I used to do a lot when I had Picture It. But windows 7 does not take that program..drives me nuts.
    Have a wonderful week, Hugs Mary

  3. love this!! thank you!!
    nice to be visiting again!
    i've missed you!


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