Thursday, June 28, 2012

A DYI for You...

My Tomato Plant

This is one of three tomato plants I put together last weekend. I was bound and determined to have a few this year. I decided with all I have going on that I should just limit myself to some pots. My big pots are still in storage so that meant I had to go buy something. After I looked around I realized I was not going to find anything for under thirty dollars and most of the pots I liked were around sixty dollars. Ninety to a hundred and eighty dollars did not make sense. I would just go to the farmers market and buy what I wanted. As I browsed through the local Lowes I stumbled across these large ice buckets. They were galvenized inside, had these handles so I could move them, white was good, and they were on sale for ten dollars. I also found them at Walmarts in red or turqoise for $7.50.
I bought three of the white, a couple of container tomato plants, and a few annuals for color. All in all they cost me less than twenty dollars each. I love them!


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