Thursday, June 7, 2012


Mountain Stream

Time is something we all have and at times take for granted. The longer I am on this planet the more I am exposed to examples of this is my own life and others. I had a reminder of this last night and again today.

It is hard for me to believe that I have posted over 1500 times to my blog. I was shocked when I looked at my blog posts numbers today. How much fun I have had with my blog came to mind. Most of all how many wonderful people I have met and friends I have made.

I would like to do something special for all of you. Some type of give away. So, let me think about this for a little bit and my next post will outline what I have come up with. Till then, thanks for being here reading and commenting on my blog. 


  1. What a beautiful in a dream.........

  2. Awww how sweet.. Elizabeth, you've already given us the biggest gift, the gift of your company and thoughts and lovely photos and digital creations.. you're a treasure dear lady!

  3. oh what fun!1500 posts! that is amazing!
    i think i only have 120 . . . and it seems like i have been posting for ever. i try to post 1x per week, but i don't always get there.

    keep blogging!

    ps: i love your 4 letter word posts!

  4. Hi, 1500 times that's great Elizabeth. your picture of the mountain stream is marvelous. Soo beautiful and this stream says many things about our lives. do you think?
    Thanks for sharing this.
    Lovely greet

  5. Wow! How impressive! I feel like I should be doing something for YOU, not vice versa. You bring me such joy.

  6. Liz, I don't get online as often as I'd like but I agree with an earlier post that your posts are gift enough in my life. I always check out your blog when I do get a few moments to blog-visit. Maybe since you're in NC where my oldest lives with 3 of my grands is the reason I feel such an attachment to you. I thoroughly enjoy every one of your posts. One complaint though; once I start I can't seem to stop and end up spending hours going through all of them :-) Please keep sharing your thoughts and ideas with the rest of us. Have a great weekend!

  7. What a beautiful spot..don't you just wish you had a picnic basket and a blanket?
    1500 posts.. wow. I thoroughly love reading you posts, and the pictures you take. Love reading about your "new" home. I have a friend in the mountains of N.C.
    (On line friends, but we've become good buddies just the same.) I'd like to think you're living in her neck of the woods, and she gets to enjoy all the lovely scenery you show us.

  8. Your posts have always been a delight. Things to think about. Photos to set dreams in motion. I thank you for all you have posted. Now I am going to stop cleaning, kick off my shoes and go put my feet in our stream. LOL

  9. your posts are gift enough Elizabeth!!
    i am always taken away to lovely places...i have spent wonderful minutes and hours on your blog. i have found such enjoyment and "take me away" moments with you!!
    this photo is one that gives me such a feeling of calm..the beauty of nature!..goodness,is this a view that you see often nearby? aren't you blessed!!!

  10. Hi Elizabeth,

    How are you doing? I hope you have completely recovered from your injury by now. You have been in my thoughts ever so often. I also loved you being a member of We Love Digital Art. :)

    Anyway, I even though I don't manage to leave comments often enough, I always love to visit your blog. Your work is inspiring -- and this great photo is yet another example of outstanding photography and editing.

    Happy creating,

  11. I love your pix and enjoy your blog whenever I have the time. Congrats on so many posts!


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