Thursday, August 23, 2012

Some Summer Freebies - Sisters


My favorites

They look so much alike.
They are so sweet!
It has been awhile I know. This summer has been crazy busy. My sister moved from Colorado to Tennessee the past few weeks. So in her honor I thought we would do sisters. I drove over to see her and drop number 4 son off to help her do a little painting, unpacking, and put together things for her. A little aunt and nephew bonding time. I took advantage of the trip and took a lot of pictures on the way home. Hope you enjoy these!


  1. Thanks for the freebies Elizabeth! Hope you are enjoying your Summer.


  2. My pleasure Robin! It has been a fast summer this year, but enjoyable! Hope yours has been great!

  3. these are beautiful Elizabeth!
    thank you so much!!

  4. I have no excuses put it has been a fast summer and we have been so busy...I went back and looked at what I missed, you have some really beautiful photos and the freebies are so valued. Thank you, Mary


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