Thursday, August 30, 2012

Welcome to the Family - Stella Rose

new pup

I would like to introduce you to the new
pup - Stella Rose. She is a 10 week
old Australian Shephard. My son and
his girlfriend got her about two weeks
ago. I went up last weekend bearing
gifts - dog crate, honey, and
apple butter - to meet her. She is
adorable. So smart. She can sit and shake all ready.We took her to the park to
swim and run off some energy.

fearless swimmer

This is her fifth or sixth time swimming.
She is very good. There were several
larger dogs there fetching and swimming
Stella caught on real quick.

taking a break with my friend Austin

Sometimes it is nice to just sit and
watch. Soak up a few rays and enjoy the
perfect day. In a few months we will
be wishing for days like this.

great day at Trout Lake


  1. Stella is beautiful! I had an Aussie and she was the best dog!!! So good! Just the best all around friend.

  2. Stella is so lovely -- thanks for sharing these photos!

  3. hi stella! you are so cute..thank you for sharing stella's photos.


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