Monday, October 22, 2012

Digital Photograph -

An old fence

Late summer and early fall found
me running up and down the Shenandoah
Valley to Washington D.C. visiting
family and enjoying their company.
We are still exploring those "first's"
without Daddy.  We all miss him
terribly. Yet, I like to think that
he is always close by enjoying us
girls cooking in the kitchen,
driving with me as I am awed by
all the beautiful fall colors,
watching all his grandsons grow
into such interesting men.
No one told us it would be so
hard to lose this fixture in our lives.
So, we have good days and bad days.
Always remembering how lucky
we are.

1 comment:

  1. those firsts are so are the 2nds and 3rds!!!
    it ook me 4 years to do Thanksgiving after my mom died..didn't do a big christmas tree for was just too hard. thank goodness my twin had come from Texas those years..she did it for my dad..i just couldn't.
    He lives on through all of you.


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