Monday, October 22, 2012

Freebies - Birds

Some beautiful birds for you. I have
been setting up my new home when
I have been here. Still unpacking,
organizing,sorting, and getting rid of
things. It is amazing how much I
no longer need or want. The things
that seem important are the things
I have had for a long time. I am
going to have to get an Etsy or Ebay
store to get rid of all the
old treasures. I have tried giving
them to my boys but they like
an uncluttered life.
Sorry I have been missing in
action for so long. I have really
missed all of you. I am just trying to
get all of this move stuff out of the
way. Downsizing is hard!


  1. I am do happy that you like them Peggy. I love watching the birds. They make me happy.

  2. thanks for sharing these beautiful birds..

  3. These are lovely...thank you! I'm trying to downsize a little myself and it IS hard! Take your time but DO let us know when you open that Etsy shop. It's always fun to look through each other's treasures!

  4. Glad you checked in :D Thank you for taking the time to post the birds!

  5. Glad you like them and that I finally came up for air!

  6. lovely!!
    thanks so much for sharing them!
    amazing how some things seem so important and then later we are able to pass them along!! downsizing is hard..i'm always afraid once i get rid of something that i am going to want or need it later!!


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