Friday, November 30, 2012

Digital Photograph - Barn Door

Barn Door

I can not believe how quickly this week
has gone by. I finally have two rooms completely
cleared of boxes. I have set
a time table to have everything out of
storage and in the house. I am frantically
clearing space and going through boxes to
make room for the last storage unit's
contents. It will feel good to have every
thing in one place after three years.

My studio space is under construction. I
have changed my mind three times about
the set up and use. I think this time
I have figured it out. I have an art
supply area, a wet area for painting and
dying, a sewing area, and my work table
finally set up. Then I have a workshop
with all my tools, dremels, saws, etc.
As always there is a darkroom area.
It is so much more space than I had
before. I have been overwhelmed by the
space. I am hoping to put a huge dent in
it all this weekend. I would like to
see an end to the boxes. I would even
like to actually do something creative
in the near future.

Enough moaning from me. I loved this
picture of the barn doors. It looks
like a very frustrated farmer got into
this barn. Either he hit it with his
tractor or he ripped the door trying
to get in or out? I am sure there is
a good story here. Hope everyone has a
good weekend. Are you putting up your


  1. lovely to read your update Elizabeth.. so glad you're managing to get reorganized.. maybe once you get your studio set up you can post a few photos? You are such an inspiration to so many of us, and I know your studio would be too!
    Wishing you and yours a blessed and peaceful and very happy Christmas!

  2. Your studio sounds like it is going to be wonderful! Hope you will share some photos when you are all settled in.

  3. beautiful photograph!!
    it has been some time,hasn't it!! it will be nice to have your nest "feathered"!!!!

  4. Oh, Elizabeth, I SO identify with your "battle of the boxes". My son, his wife and I have bought a home togther, and I've been in the process of sorting and clearing out my "stuff" for a month in preparation to move. I feel as if I'm living in limbo, and I can't wait to get moved and settled and back to leisurely art again! Your art room sounds wonderful!


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.