Friday, November 16, 2012

Digital Photograph - Christmas Tree farm

Christmas Tree Farm

While I was in the mountains last
weekend one of the things I noticed
was that they had started cutting the
Christmas trees. Pickup trucks and cargo
trucks were full to the brim. I was
amazed at how many I saw. They cut, bag,
and tag the trees. Then put them in a
smaller truck to get them to the
main shipping areas near a main road.
Here the trees are put in big trucks
to ship to stores, churches, tree lots,
etc. Most of them end of states away.

It is big business here in the mountains.
Our trees have often been picked to be a
National Christmas tree or a Rockefeller
Center tree. We grow them beautiful here.
This is a picture of one of the tree
farms I regularly pass on the way to see
a couple of my boys. I think it is so
pretty. Tree farms are hard work, but you
would never guess it by this photograph.
This year I am going to pick and cut
my tree for the first time in a long time.
I can not wait. I love the smell of a
fresh tree in the house. Yum. 


  1. The Christmas tree farm is amazing. It's part of the tradition to select our own tree and YES that fresh pine fragrance wafting through the house is wonderful!
    Shane ♥

  2. Oh how I miss those beautiful tree farms in NC! One of my fondest memories was trudging around the tree farm, picking out our Christmas tree and having it cut down. It was the biggest and the best tree we ever had at Christmas. Enjoy your Christmas tree hunt!


  3. What a great view of one of the prettiest sights anywhere. I am sure I can smell the freshcut pine just viewing this! Don't you find it interesting that the mountain skies often have the same "mares tails" that you've seen so often at the shore?

  4. The "Mares Tails" in the mountains are created by the wind blowing around and through the "gaps" and valleys created by the mountains. I think they are full of movement. The weather on one side of a mountain can be completely different than another side. So cool.


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