Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Freebies - The Suffragettes

The March on Washington
This was a such a big deal.
Men were pretty upset by all of this.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony
They worked tirelessly to assure women
the vote. Thank you so much!

Alice Paul & Helen Gardener
Looks like a strategy meeting.

Alice Paul
Thank you for all you suffered.

I thought that this week I would
do Suffragettes as my freebies.
It seemed so appropriate as we are
selecting a new President this week,
or re-electing an old President for
a second term. Depending on who gets
out there and votes. It is a privilege
to be able to cast your ballot. Women
went to jail, were force fed, beaten,
ostracized, for wanting the vote.
Demanding the right to vote.
My father always told me that if
you did not vote, you did not have the
right to complain. So let your
voice be heard! Vote!!!


  1. Love the photos of the suffragettes!! Hope their spirit will infuse all women today to get out and vote for their rights as women!

  2. You are so good to remind us of the ladies that worked so hard so we can vote....I was in the first rush of voters here in Nampa,Idaho...it is a good feeling!!! Hugs, Mary

  3. Oh, I am so excited about this, Elizabeth! My own grandmother was a Sufferagette in Cleveland, Ohio. I have always been so proud! Thank you so much for the great images. I appreciate your generosity so much!


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