Sunday, November 11, 2012

Journal Book Giveaway on Susie's Blog

Journaling Book

Wonderful, positive, creative Susie LaFond
is giving away Jenny Doh's new Journaling
book on her Blog - My life one bit at a time. Along with the book she is including
a pack of journal goodies and one of her
own beautiful blank journals. Her blank journals are one of my favorites! Beautifully made and quite inspiring.
So hop over to Susie's blog and sign up for her wonderful giveaway. Her blog is quite special also.


  1. aren't you sweet to share this!!!
    i have never journaled....i'm thinking some of my thoughts ought not to be written for all to see and pass down from generation to generation!!!

  2. Oh Ann you definitely need to journal. Those sweet little grand kids will want to read them when they are older!


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