Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thank A Veteran!

Thank You for my Freedom!

In all honesty I have been dreading
today. I took a long drive through
the mountains, ate lunch with three
of my boys. Then a long drive through
the mountains home. On the way home I
pulled over to an overlook and there
were those purple mountains we sing
about in our National Anthem.
I found myself admittiing to myself
how much I am missing my favorite
Veteran - my Father. At the same
time so thankful that he shared his
stories with us. He made me realize
this thing called Freedom is a gift.

Daddy helped me see what it means to be
a Veteran. How much, so many people
and their loved ones sacrificed
for me and mine and you and yours.
So, on a beautiful Sunday I could look
out over the Blue Ridge Mountains,
drive in my own car filled with gas,
to eat a fabulous meal with loved
ones and then drive home on smooth
well kept roads. Only here in America.
Thank you so much all of you who
have served and are still serving
this wonderful country we live in.
I miss you Daddy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Elizabeth...that is so moving that tears are stinging my eyes. Thank you for saying something that is so important and so very poignant to all of us. I know your Dad is enormously proud of you and misses you terribly. I am grateful to him for his service and for giving the world a daughter like his!


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