Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Digital Journal Page - The Little Girl

The Little Girl

I have started doing digital journal pages again. As I unpack and set up my art supplies this basic need to create has been stirred. I feel like a pot of soup that the cook keeps adding spices and ingredients to. Today was all about the little girl in me. As I open the boxes I feel like I am rediscovering my world. There is a little girl inside of all of us women. Some days she is just waiting to come out. Other days she is exploring the world with wonder.

Today has been full of wonder...


  1. We should all leave out the little girl in us more often:)

  2. another wonderful piece. You should check out the artwork of Heather Murray--I think you would like it. She combines old photos and paint.

  3. I just love this image, and your wonderful juxtoposition of vintage photos, and also a modern treatment of light and shadows. You are such an interesting artist and tender soul. Many thanks, as always! Peggy

  4. What a gorgeous creation, dear Elizabeth! I also want to thank you for the wonderful freebie.

    Happy Holiday to you!
    Enjoy this wonderful season!


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