Saturday, January 19, 2013

It has been a year...

Arlington Cemetery at Christmas

Last Thursday - January 17th was the one year anniversary of interring my father at Arlington Cemetery. The year of firsts is over. Yet the loss is still sharp lying underneath the surface. I have learned a lot about myself an others this year. I have learned a lot about grief and what loss does to you. But, most of all I have been thankful that somehow I was blessed with such wonderful parents. I could not have picked a better father. He was everything a father should be. Kind, loving, full of integrity. He was never afraid to do the right thing or to show us what was right. He loved my mother and treated her with the utmost respect. He was a POW, a war hero, a true patriot. He did not just talk the talk he walked it every day. I am so blessed. My mother has been so strong. After 68 years of friendship, love, and marriage I know it has not been easy. Here again she has shown us the way and I thank her for that. 

This is a photo of Arlington Cemetery at Christmas. The wreaths on the grave are so touching. The large sculpture in the background in the Air Force Memorial. Daddy was a pilot so to look out over this makes us all happy. If you turn the other way you can see Lee's house up on the hill. It is truly a lovely spot. Most of all I am so honored that Daddy is with all those other men and women who served their country.  


  1. wonderful photograph, even better all the happy memories.. you are so blessed to have had your father in your life these many years.. of course, he still is in your life, forever onward!

  2. Such lovely, loving memories. Grieving your dad is ongoing I am sure. You have so many good memories to hold close. Take care.


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