Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Quote Book #1 - True

I have decided to continue my quotes but, in a different format. I thought it might be nice to do them in this old account book I found online as a freebie several years ago. 
For the life of me I do not know where it came from. If any one recognizes it and knows its legacy then please let me know so I can give them credit. Till then I am just going to make it mine and fill it with quotes.


  1. i love this quote.
    and i a glad you will be doing more quotes. meaningful quotes are always so inspiring for me.

    thank you.

  2. Glad you like the quotes. Hope everyone likes the new format. I do already.

  3. I love the new format. You always find the best positive quotes. I love the 4-letter words too. Your blog is such a special place, Elizabeth. I hope you know how much pleasure you bring us all!


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