Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Some things from around the house...

A few of my banks in my bank collection.This homemade bank is one of my favorites. I love how they painted the house pink and the tree is so cute. To get the money out you swing the house over the edge of the stand. I have a nice collections of old and antique banks. I unpacked them over the weekend. It was like seeing old friends.

I have enjoyed collecting Ironstone since I was in college. I lived on several farms and the Ironstone pieces just seemed to fit in nicely. Ironstone goes with everything. It has such a nice patina. I have a large oak cupboard in my family/eating room filled with it. I decided that this little crane would go nicely on the shelf with some of my pieces. It is a chopstick holder but it seemed silly to put it inside a cupboard when it could go with all of my Ironstone. I have a large collection of birds and it just seemed right.

In my study I have a large collection of green pottery. My grandmother started me off on this collection. These are three North Carolina pottery vases by a North Carolina potter by the name of Cole. The glaze is something his family was noted for. I have several pieces by the Cole family. I love the variations of the same theme in these vases. They make me happy when I sit and read or go through paperwork in this room. I hope you have some small things that make you happy. I hope you have enjoyed a few of my things.

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