Wednesday, January 16, 2013

This Week's Freebies - Tin Types

I love her scarf and she has the longest fingers. Very pretty.

Pretty little girls in their plaid dresses!

I liked this relaxed photograph of this gentleman.  The books on the table are there to imply that he can read. A big thing for someone in those days. Something we take for granted now.

Aw families. The apple does not fall far from tree in this family. Love the gloves.
Sisters so sweet. Love their matching dresses, haircuts and the little doll.

She looks a bit stern in her beautiful dress. Again holding a book, probably a Bible, telling the world she is educated.

This week I have been cleaning up a bunch of my Tin Types. I thought I would share a few with you. It is a hodge podge of images this week. Families, girls, men, etc. I think just the fact that they are all Tin Types is what holds them together. Please notice that a few are in fancy frames, some are not. I think it was what you could afford and also what has survived through the years. I have found them in some pretty strange places myself. As always I hope you enjoy these and have fun using them in your art, etc.


  1. Elizabeth! These are just wonderful!! I love the gloves!! We have a dauguaretype (I know I spelled that wrong!!) of I think it would be a great, great grandfather--he is wearing a Masonic apron in it.

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth! Love these and they are so well preserved!


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