Friday, February 22, 2013

Freebies - Kids with Pets...

Polly wants a cracker!

I love everything about this picture.

There is a quiet stillness about the two that seems right.

I do not even want to think about getting everyone on their leash, much less keeping them all untangled.

What a beauty!
Love the fox. I was blessed to have a pair who lived in my back yard at the beach. They were very loving to each other and their kits. It was so much fun to watch them head out every night to hunt. 
I bet these two had a lot of fun together.

Oh to have a Zebra... a childhood dream.

Today in honor of Mr. Smudge I thought I would do kids with pets as my freebie. I have had a lot of different pets both as a child growing up and as an adult. Each one has taught me something new about them and myself. I think they help make a home a home. So. I hope you enjoy these and please take a moment to pet, stroke, love your pet today.


  1. Thank you for the vintage images of kids and pets.
    I just finished reading about Mr. Smudge and am sitting here crying along with you. He was a very pretty cat and sounds like a wonderful friend and lucky to have you to love him.
    Glad to hear your jaw is feeling better. Take care.

  2. Thank you so much Joan.
    Mr. Smudge was a great loving friend.
    I was the lucky one. Your kind thoughts mean so much.

  3. these are wonderful photos my friend!!!
    Mr Smudge and your family were blessed to have each other!

  4. Dear Ann Thank you so much for all of your support through all of this. Your kind words have meant everything~

  5. How can I ever pick a favorite!! i love the second little ragamuffin girl with the cat; the girl with the rabbit is like alice from alice in wonderland; I love the girl with the chicken;and the girl with all the dogs--well they are all just wonderful!! Thank you!

  6. Such wonderful images - the girl with the chicken and the girl with the zebra are really fun! Thank you, Elizabeth.

    Mr. Smudge had a happy and beloved life with you and you will remember all the good things about him. I have many beautiful memories of my two cats, Dallas and Lacy (Chantilly Lace was her formal name), but still miss them dearly.

  7. Elizabeth, you made a comment about my cleaning up and disposing of things in my studio. A few years back i went with a friend to an estate sale and saw how things collected with loving care over the years are disposed of. It haunted me. It is death, total, absolute; loss of control of ones person for our possessions become us when we cannot let go. This year I turned 70. The last train is not yet stopping to collect me so I wanted to make decisions. One was to find a good home for fabric . This I have completed and as hard as it was to say good bye to all of it and recall for one last time where and when it was purchased, it was with joy that I knew it was going to a person(s) who would use it. Not to some garbage tip or rag trader who sells it to a plant for recycling not into clothes or crazy quilts or dolls or some object created by loving hands. It goes to the incinerator of lost dreams. In a few weeks a friend will visit and take home with her embroidery thread as there is no way 9 boxes will be used my me. Use it or loose it really does say it all.

  8. Thank you for these, I know that they will find their way into something special. Hugs, Mary

  9. Thank you so much for the beauties!

  10. Lovely photos - the zebra one just makes me come up with all sorts of stories about her and I love that one with the girl and the cat and the girl with all the dogs - HOW?!

    Sorry to hear about Mr Smudge, sometimes the right decisions are the hard ones. I hope you're doing ok.

  11. I just read about your sweet family member Mr. Smudge and the tears are running. I'm very sorry that you lost your cute fur baby, Elizabeth. It must have been a very hard decision but it sounds like it was the best thing you could do for him. He'll always be in your heart.
    Thank you for the adorable images. I especially love the one with the dogs.
    A very big hug,

  12. Thank you so much Julia. I miss him so much. I am so glad that you like these freebies. I think they are all adorable!

  13. I just wanted to thank you for your comments on my blog jaeartworks. I will definitely try your mineral oil suggestion on my old piano! Your blog is amazing. I had to add it to my google reader. I don't have time to really check it out right now, but I want to make sure I remember to come back. Thanks again!

  14. I absolutely LOVE everything about your blog! Been looking at past posts.....and I realize I need to start thinking outside the box! You are very talented and creative. Enjoy seeing all your posts.


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