Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Second Batch of Freebies - Couples

Notice his white forehead. He took his hat off for this picture. She is very pretty!

I met and married the father of my boys in Ann Arbor Michigan. This one struck a chord.

He is dressed up so fancy for her. I love the tie and watch chain.

He is so relaxed. I bet they dance well together. I can see them laughing.
This is unusual in that she is sitting and he is standing. Usually the woman is standing.

This week I thought I would do two rounds of Freebies. I love the them of couples. I always wonder what attracted this couple to each other. Some seem so bored. Others tense. Rarely do you see two happy people in these types of photos. I hope away from the camera they found some joy together.


  1. The third couple look so young!! i bet he is a redhead!

  2. Oh thank you for these lovely photos xx

  3. wonderful photos!!
    that one man with the white forehead...i'm thinking he was a very hard worker outdoors.


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