Friday, March 1, 2013

Digital Photograph - Teasel

Last week was a tough week. Thank you
all for your support and comments.
This week I have spent my time
healing and trying to gain my strength
back. Physically and Emotionally.
I need to get my house and life back in
order. I love the quote in my quote
book this week about adversity
and being torn. It made me think of 
these teasels. 

Back in the day when I lived in
"the North" these teasels grew on the
sides of the road everywhere. Occasionally
I would see these women parked along the
road with paper bags, long sleeve shirts, 
leather gloves, and large clippers. I 
would wonder "What are they doing? What
are they thinking?" You see teasels
will tear you up in a heart beat.
They will ensnare your hair, clothes, skin. Ouch.  

A few weeks later after seeing several cars and women stopped by the road I went to a church bazaar. There sat several women in their booths with the most beautiful wreaths. Yes, they were teasel wreaths. They had soaked them in water and woven beautiful things with them. I was astounded. 

So, yes we get scratched up, torn up, but through it all something beautiful can happen. As I drive along the back road's and I come across a teasel or two I think back to those days. How young I was, but the lesson was learned. Not forgotten.


  1. Yes yes yes. And there are times when we grow stronger after it. Thinking of you -- and the photo is lovely.

  2. wonderful image, my thoughts are with you.EE

  3. Elizabeth this is a beautiful photo! I didnt know you took photos too. It is very generous of you to share all of the vintage photos. I am a new subscriber to you blog.

  4. Sorry you're encountering bumps in life's highway, Elizabeth. I'm sending "good thoughts" your way!

  5. Beautiful photo and beautiful words!


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