Monday, March 4, 2013

Iphone Photograph - Look Homeward Angel

Look Homeward Angel

I took this photograph with my iphone. 
I used the iphone camera but edited it
using Pic Grunger and Filter Mania. I 
believe I got both of the apps for around
$.99 each. They are fun to play with.

The photograph itself is from the cemetery
where Thomas Wolfe and his mother are
buried. When his mother died he had this
angel made for her plot. His book "Look
Homeward Angel" pretty much says it all.
The cemetery is a nice drive from my house.
It is a very unassuming place. I decided
to drive there this morning before an early
appointment. I like to take pictures in
these settings either early in the morning 
or late afternoon. Hope you enjoy. 
Thought every one could start off the
week with an angel!


  1. Ah, it's such a beautiful sight to see, and LOOK what you've done with it! This is just fabulous, and I love it because, just like your, it is full of quiet dignity and understated messages... and you've used a superb monochromatic palette. Your style has become recognizable to me, and that's so important to establish as an artist. (Plus you've chosen one of my favorite Blue Ridge Mt. destinations and subjects!)

    Those apps are incredible and I thank you for sharing such great advice. Peggy

  2. Hi Elizabeth, thank you for the wonderful photo and what you made of it. Since two weeks I lie in bed with a bad influenza and enjoy your guardian angel very much. Greetings from Germany, Lillebee

  3. Such a peaceful photo and I imagine it to be a beautiful place.

  4. so beautiful!!!
    your soul shines through your photos!

  5. How amazing that you took this beautiful art photo with a phone! Wonderful job, Elizabeth.
    P.S. I've been catching up with your blog. So sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet kitty.


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