Friday, April 5, 2013

Digital Photograph - Metal Discs

Metal from the recycling place

I have had a very busy few weeks. My son who has been helping me with my move, painting, remodeling, hanging shelves, emptying out my four storage units. Organizing and unpacking about 1200 of the 1400 or so boxes, getting my yard and garage organized and set up, moved back to the beach.Getting him packed and moved was very bitter sweet. We knew it was temporary but it turned into a really good experience for us both.

I think the first time your kids leave home
as kids. This time it was having an adult
staying here and helping. It was a lot of 
fun. We took a week and finished most of the
projects I had planned. Reorganized my boxes.
One of the things we did was take all the stuff we had torn out,shelving,yard debris, old pots the previous owner had left,to the
dump. Oh my!

The same day we took all the cans and recycled metal I had been saving. [fireplace screen and tools that were beyond using,all the old doorknobs, lamp parts, etc.]Have you
ever been to a metal recycling place? Well
if you haven't you should. It is a graveyard
of all kinds of stuff. Washers, old tubs, cars, car parts, parts of I do not know what.
It was an experience and we came home with
some money.

After moving him to the beach I decided to
see the rest of the brothers. I stopped and
had dinner with one of my sons that evening.
Then home, the next day a little trip farther
into the mountains for dinner with two more
sons. Then home. Massive cleaning and
reorganizing has been consumed me since then.
I am going to be completely moved in and settled by May. [keep your fingers crossed].

The end of March I spent at my Mother's in Virginia celebrating her birthday with my sister, brother, and nephews. My mother is amazing. Had a fabulous time. My sister and I got back just in time to spend Easter with a couple of my boys. Joy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I have missed you! So glad your time has been consumed by such joy and accomplishment. Life is good!


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