Friday, April 5, 2013

Freebies - Women in Hats

Every hat needs a feather

Or some fur...

It is amazing that she can see
 with that hat on.

More feathers! Amazing she can
 hold her head up.

I would have to strap that
hat on my neck to hold
it from falling off.

Quite a confection...

The Zetti outfit. This was quite
the look! You could see her
coming for miles. Even her
shoes match. Wow.

This week to celebrate Spring's arrival I
thought I would share some photographs of
women with hats. Their Spring bonnets. 

I personally love hats. I have a huge 
collection of straw hats, 1920's hats,
velvet hats, etc. I even like to wear hats.
The only problem is that they slide off
my head.

Keeping a hat on my head is very hard.
Maybe it is the shampoo we use. Cleaner
hair. I just know that half the hats
these women are wearing would be flying
off my head before I got half way out the
door. Even using hat pins.

Funny story... When my sister got married
she had all her bridesmaids wear straw hats
with ribbons on them. As we got dressed I
tried to explain to her and my Mom that 
this hat would not stay on my head. They
insisted that I wear the hat. 

It was an outside wedding, formal, string
quartet, a windy day. Yes, in the middle
of the ceremony my hat flew off, rolling
around in the wind, several kind men went
chasing after it. My hat was caught and
returned. The vows were completed. My
sister was furious. For years. The reception
was beautiful. My bad.


  1. Awesome pictures thanks so much for sharing. I love hats to and have the same problem. With shorter hair its even worse, no way hat pins work that way either lol.

  2. Awesome pictures thanks so much for sharing. I love hats to and have the same problem. With shorter hair its even worse, no way hat pins work that way either lol.

  3. I too love hats, but it's been many many years since I wore a dressy hat. I don't have a hat "face"...and also short hair.
    I had to get out today with my rather unfortunate hair and oh so wished I could put a hat on!!! Not sure which would have been the worst look!

  4. Love these photos and I thank you for sharing. I too have always had a hat problem! The style when I was little was to wear those tight crescent shaped Easter hats with a small floral thing on one side. My mother always got one for me that was too small so I could keep it on my slippery little head. The result was always the worst headache...every single Easter sunday of my young life! As for your sister's wedding, I thought it seemed like something out of a beautiful Hollywood movie, with your straw hat rolling in the wind. I bet that is the best memory lots of people had of that day. You did your sister a favor. ^_^

  5. I just love these photos! Thank you for sharing them!

  6. Love these photos, thanks for sharing, I will share some with my Facebook fans, someone asked for more big hats. I'll let them know about your great blog!

  7. These are great!!!

  8. Même si je ne connait pas les personnes sur les photos j'aime les photos :-) très beau i


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