Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Birthday Freebies in Honor of My Son's Birthday!

Today is my baby's birthday. My fifth son's special day. I remember it like it was yesterday. He was so sweet and easy. With four older brothers to mimic, watch, and grow up with he is wise beyond his years. Happy Birthday Big Guy! 

I am visiting friends in Alabama this week. So I cannot be with him to celebrate this special day. However, when I get back a nice dinner will be made and a big cake will be eaten. In his honor I thought I would share a few vintage Birthday cards. Hope you enjoy them!


  1. thank you for the images! and happy birthday to your son--he's a Taurus-my birthday is the 11th and my son't birthday is the 12th!

  2. a very Happy Belated Natal Anniversary to your son!!! you are both blessed!!!


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