Monday, May 20, 2013

Girls & Their Dolls - Freebies

I love that they have on matching dresses.

The little girl looks like a little doll

Someone thought Big was Better here

Absolutely Precious!

A beautiful doll and a precious little girl

It looks like she got hold of some scissors and decided to give haircuts to her and her doll. Too funny.

This week I have decided to get my freebies
out before the week takes over. I have recovered 

from my trips and have quite a
bit of work to do around here. I have a
generous pickup truck load of lilies, iris,
ferns, and hostas to divide and plant from
my good friend in Alabama. Some of the iris
were my grandmother's. I am so happy to have
them here. It is always nice to have plants
from friends. They make your garden that much
more special.

I hope you enjoy this weeks freebies. There is 

something so sweet about little girls and
their dolls. I never really played with dolls
for any amount of time. Although I have my doll collection from all over the world. Gifts from my parent's friends who traveled and my own parents. They would sit on shelves in my room, all elegant in their dresses. I saw them as angels looking out for me. I spent most of my childhood outside, riding bikes, playing in the creek, or reading on rainy days. I played most of the time with Petey my green parakeet. Teaching him to talk and ride on my shoulder, or sit on my book while I read. I hope you enjoy these freebies. I hope they stir some memories for you.


  1. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos- just amazing!


    Foxglove Hollow

  2. I have a photo of my Dad & aunt from the late 19 teens. My dad was about 6 with long ringlets & my aunt about 4 had a crew cut! Mary Ann

  3. I've been awol lately, but wanted you to know how I've enjoyed catching up with your marvelous blog. I love every part of it...please don't ever change a thing!


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